Hye Guys! Assalammualaikum w.b.t. First of all let me introduce myself.My name is Nur Alieshah binti Rosli.I'm from Batu Pahat,Johor.The most important thing I am 18 years old.Haha. I love to watch korean dramas but I love to sing Malay song.That's the fact!There is a lot of people who said that I came from a far states.Relax owkeyh guys.Actually I didn't expect at all that I will got an offered to enter UITM KAMPUS RAUB PAHANG.It is because before I enter the university,I am a form 6 student officially.I know that I got an offered when I am in a class.That time my teacher of general studies is teaching and asked who got to the university.Some of my friends get it but some of them not get it.At first I am sad to leave them,my school that I will never forget from Form 1 until Form 5.I also have to leave my responsibility as a administrative assistant in my class.So I decided to put it behind and enter university to get new experiences.What I can describe about UITM KAMPUS RAUB IS JUST 'WOW,AMAZING'!!!!!'WOW,BEAUTIFUL;!!!It's awesome places to go.Before that I search in GOOGLE,FACEBOOK AND ALSO INSTAGRAM ABOUT THIS UNIVERSITY.Finally I know UITM RAUB is the best because it have the best things and facilities at here such like Titiwangsa Hall,Library,Reading Room,Lift to up and down to each of level,Health Center and so on!At first I think there is no wifi and line at here.But actually there is a free wifi for student.It's too great!
                                 VIEW OF UITM KAMPUS RAUB PAHANG AT NIGHT 

Alright guys.That is enough for my introduction about me.Next I will explain to all of you about UED102 STUDY SKILLS.UED102 is one of the subject that is important to all of the students to make sure  we are perform well for interim week.For this subject we must do an e-portfolio that is contained 60% marks that is doing a blog and post about what topic that we learn for this subject.While the other 40% we must do a video in a group about UITM KAMPUS RAUB and the surroundings of it.Actually it is a big challenge for student because there is a lot of student who doesn't know how to do blog and editing video.But it is a good learning to all of us so that we can perform well in a lot of things.That's how the cooperation between group member being well.

 I think it is enough for my first post.Before that I want to said sorry that I am worse in my english especially for my grammar.I hope all of you enjoy about my post and don't forget to see my second,third and so on of my post!That's all.Bye guys.Happy Fasting.Happy Iftar.SALAM SATU MALAYSIA.

