You maybe have review my first post about myself and introduction of UED102 STUDY SKILLS that I write on 20th June 2017.So for today on 21th June 2017 I will post about Topic 1 of UED102 that is Getting Ready To Learn.This topic is lead by Dr. Fauzi Azmi.

For this topic,we must ready to do the best and perform well in university academics.That is because we are not in the school anymore.There is  lof of differences between school and university.To learn anything,there must be a high focus.Rather than school there is only a small challenge that we face at there.We still can't see outside world and multifaceted human.That is because why university is the 
best place to know the real world look like.

Now,I will tell you about differences between university and school that is :
  • We spend less time in class for university than school.
  • We spend more time studying outside of class.
  • We can have more reading at the library and room.
  • There is a fewer tests.
  • There is might not reminded of due dates and exams.
  • There is a fewer daily assignments and they might not be checked.
  • They might live and study in the same places.
  • The classes are bigger.
  • The instructors don't tell you exactly what is on the test  and we must to find out ourself.
  • The attendance of student to the classes must achieve 80%.If not the student will be subject to action by university.
  • There is more team for assignment work with meetings outside of the classes.
  • There is noextensions on due dates.
  • You can drop the class but it will affect your achievement for the exam grades.

Alright guys.That's all I can describe about Topic 1 of study skills.I'm sorrry if there is a lot of lack information for this topic.I will try to fix it.Bye guys.See you for my third posts.
