

Hye guys.It is evening right now and my last post for UED102 Study Skills.It is mean that this is the last topic that I learned for this subject.I am feeling sad actually because I will not learned this subject for semester 1.But it is alright as long as I got more things to learned from this subject.Today I will share to you about the topic of Library and Campus Resources.This topic is taught by Sir Mohd Anwar bin Nassim.He is one of the librarian for the library UITM Kampus Raub.In this topic he taught us how to borrow book,how much punishment fee that students must pay if they are late return library book and so on.So,let'go. THE MEANING OF LIBRARY A  library  is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material, and may be a physical building or room, or a virtual space, or both. AT THE BACK IS THE LIBRARY OF CAMPUS RAUB PAHANG


Hye guys.We meet again after several times.You must have seen my posts and I hope that you are happier to read all of my posts.Today I want to talk about Time Management and Organizational Skills.This topic is taught by Madam Ramha Rozaili binti Ramli that as known as Madam L.It is taught on 16 June on Friday.I am did not mean to delete my post about this topic as you know that I want to do better for this topic.So,in this topic I learned how to manage my times during classes and holiday so that I can do many activities when I arrange my time properly.Let see what I learned in this topic.                                                           THE MEANING OF TIME Noun : Time refer to the progress what happened to the past,present and future. Verb  : Plan,schedule,or arrange when something should happen or be done. The ability to use one's time effectively or productively,especially at work.                 STRATEGIES OR IMPORTANT THING TO AVOID PROCRASTINATION Week


                                                           TOPIC 7 : ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PERFORMANCE First of all.Hye guys.We are at week 6 right now.2 weeks before final exam and going back to my hometown.For this week,I learned a new topic about academic integrity and performance that I must achieve in the university and which subject I must perform well to be one of decan list for every semester.This topic is taught by Sir Mohd Norafizal bin Abdul Aziz.It is interesting because he taught us how to calculate CGPA to know our result.I also learned about plagiarism.So,let's proceed with it.                                            THE MEANING OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic integrity  is the  moral code  or  ethical policy   of academic . This includes values such as avoidance of cheating  or plagiarism;  maintenance of academic standards ; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing .                                                                    THE


                                    TOPIC 5 : MEMORY LEARNING AND IMPROVING CONCENTRATION    Hye Guys! We meet again on July month.It is great because today is my cousin birthday and I am inspired to write another post for new topic.I hope that the viewer can comment at below whether my blog is interesting or not so that I can correct my mistakes.Alright for this topic,MISS AINATUL FATHIYAH BINTI ABDUL RAHIM is the one who is giving us lecture about it.She is the lecturer for the faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies.She is cute.I like the way she smile and taught us in classes.                 WHAT IS MEMORY,LEARNING AND IMPROVING CONCENTRATION??? Understanding Memory Strategies Memory Processes Understanding Concentration Strategies for Improving Concentration Reading or Study System (SQ3R)                                                         LEARNING PYRAMID Another 10% is missing because our brain and memory can't remember 100% what w


                                      TOPIC 2 : GOAL SETTING AND LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Hye guys.We meet again after a week maybe.Haha.I think that this is my fifth post for my blog.It is interesting because I can write down another posts for all of you.Today I will tell you about GOAL SETTING AND LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM that is taught by Sir Akmal Hisham bin Abdul Rahim. Actually I'm not really sure about goal setting.However when Sir Akmal taught and give an explanation about what is goal setting it make me think that right now I know what is my goal setting that I want to achieve in my life. WHAT IS GOAL??? Goal means the object of a person's ambition or effort,an aim or desired result. It is also means the destination of a journey. GOALS SHOULD BE... Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Based  WE MUST FOCUS ON... Characteristic Goals Academic and Personal Goals Writing Effective Goal Statements Goals


                                         TOPIC 6 :  TAKING LECTURE NOTES          Hye guys! We meet again after Hari Raya Aidilfitri holiday for a week. Today i will share with all of you about how to take lecture notes.I know that all this while it's must be a big things for students to struggle which one of the notes that we have to jot down on our notes especially the main points of the topics.So for that I will share it in my blog about how to take lecture notes,the effective of note taking,why we must takes lecture notes,how to become active listener and so on.Besides that we also doing some activities during the classes.This topic is represented by Sir/Profesor Kamil that is Right Lecturer of Business Management at UITM Kampus Raub Pahang.                                                                                 WHY TAKES LECTURE NOTES??? Active listening Accurate record of information To interpret,condense and organize information For repetition of mat


                          TOPIC 1: GETTING READY TO LEARN HYE GUYS! You maybe have review my first post about myself and introduction of UED102 STUDY SKILLS that I write on 20th June 2017.So for today on 21th June 2017 I will post about Topic 1 of UED102 that is Getting Ready To Learn.This topic is lead by Dr. Fauzi Azmi. For this topic,we must ready to do the best and perform well in university academics.That is because we are not in the school anymore.There is  lof of differences between school and university.To learn anything,there must be a high focus.Rather than school there is only a small challenge that we face at there.We still can't see outside world and multifaceted human.That is because why university is the  best place to know the real world look like. Now,I will tell you about differences between university and school that is : We spend less time in class for university than school. We spend more time studying outside of class.